Autonomous cleaning solution for a medical center

Innovate healthcare cleaning with an autonomous robotic solution. It includes the latest robotics technology to ensure a safe, clean, and hygienic environment for patients, visitors, and staff.

Autonomous cleaning solution for a medical center

Cleaning solution

Solution benefits

ROI and Cost Savings

Robotics cleaning is a cost-effective solution that leads to significant yearly savings. Labor costs are reduced while energy-efficient components lower utility bills, resulting in a more sustainable solution.

Increased Hygiene

The cleaning solution is designed to address the unique cleaning needs of a hospital. It can handle a wide range of tasks including scrubbing, sweeping, and dust mopping to ensure a spotless floor.

Guaranteed Safety

LiDAR empowered by an AI vision system stops the machine and prevents collisions with people or medical equipment.

Remote Monitoring

Cleaning schedule can be easily set up through mobile or web platforms, enabling automation tasks for cleaning. Operation data, productivity metrics, and cleaning reports can be reviewed in real-time, allowing for optimal scheduling and resource management.

Positive Image

Hospitals with autonomous cleaners are viewed as forefront facilities with an innovative approach to healthcare.

Solution features

Auto Spot Cleaning

Scanning and autonomously performing spot cleaning where waste or stains are detected.

Water Saving

A 5-stage filtration system reduces up to 80% of freshwater consumption.

Ergonomic Manual Mode

The machine features an ergonomic handle that enables personnel to effortlessly steer the robot when manual mode is required.

Diverse Floor Cleaning

The solution operates on natural stone, marble, ceramic, PVC, vinyl, epoxy, and concrete floorings.

Superb Productivity

In 24 hours autonomous cleaning solution can cover up to 15 000m2 and return to the workstation to recharge or refill as needed.

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